This blog is a companion to, a project about AIDS, Poverty and Faith in Mamelodi South Africa.  In this blog I describe my experience photographing in South Africa. The purpose of this blog is to be as transparent as possible as a documentary photograher.

Archive for the News category

Facing The Future Exhibit in Carrboro

by Nathan Clendenin on August 4th, 2008

After a good running at the Chapel Hill Bible Church, the Facing the Future exhibit has moved to Padgett Station in Carrboro.  The deep red walls inside make a really nice backdrop for the prints; I am excited how it looks, and unlike most exhibits I’ve hung, it was a breeze.

Padget Station - Outside
A good friend Rachel Lillis has volunteered to be the curator of the exhibit and while Rebecca and I are in South Africa.  She is currently in search of some new venues starting in November.

Padget Station - Small Room

Padget Station - Inside

Dangers Lurking

by Nathan Clendenin on February 13th, 2007

Vincent wrote me in an email today:

“…I can only say that the war is real. The enemy(satan) is trying not to lose his territory. People are flocking to the church. People which we never thought would identify themselves with the church are being saved, do you think that can please the enemy? Please pray for us we are now going to double our effort to serve our Lord more. YOU ARE BLESSED.”


If you’re one who believes in the power of prayer, please join in praying for Vincent and the new building. I’ve just learned from another minister in South Africa that Vincent and two American missionaries were mugged at gunpoint in the new building. I do not know more details at this point, except I assume that they are unharmed. Pray for:

1) Physical protection and safety

2) Spiritual cleansing of the grounds where the building is, and a wall of protection around it. That the place would truly be holy ground where thieves and robbers would not dare step foot, unless it is in repentance

3) For Vincent as he leads and ministers in a difficult place

Exodus 15:9-13

“The enemy boasted,
‘I will pursue, I will overtake them.
I will divide the spoils;
I will gorge myself on them.
I will draw my sword
and my hand will destroy them.’

But you blew with your breath,
and the sea covered them.
They sank like lead
in the mighty waters.
“Who among the gods is like you, O LORD ?
Who is like you—
majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory,
working wonders?

You stretched out your right hand
and the earth swallowed them.

“In your unfailing love you will lead
the people you have redeemed.
In your strength you will guide them
to your holy dwelling.”

New Powerhouse Church Building!

by Nathan Clendenin on November 30th, 2006

Vincent wrote me to say that they had their first meeting in their new building this Sunday (11/26/06)! Construction on it resumed immediately upon Vincent’s return to Mamelodi in November and is now complete (or very nearly so). Praise God for providing funds through the Saturday Night Soul event to pay for the building completion.

This photo was taken a few weeks ago, before construction was totally completed.

Saturday Night Soul A Huge Success

by Nathan Clendenin on October 3rd, 2006

With more than 300 lbs. of meat, more than 100 volunteers and months of prior planning, the first annual Saturday Night Soul benefit went off without a hitch. More than 250 people from around the country showed up for some amazing food (smoked brisket, smoked ribs, corn and sweet potatoes for starters), great music from the New Soul Survivors and an exhibit from HIV Stories, all outdoors in a beautiful park in Will’s neighborhood.

We met lots of great people, mostly from Atlanta, but many came from elsewhere. My father, sister and friend Bill Ross, came from Arkansas and Rebecca's parents and a friend came from Birmingham, AL. Not to mention a posse from Chapel Hill. We had a great time setting up, enjoying the evening, and most of all raising more than $7,000 for Vincent's church, The Powerhouse! Vincent will be able to finish the building his church hopes to use for the next few years as their permanent location goes through a long process involving endless paperwork and bureacracy.

Check out the video below, shot just a month ago in Mamelodi by a team from Chapel Hill Biblechurch visiting. Vincent discusses the site and their hopes for it. In the video with Vincent is Andy Smoak.

We said goodbye to Vincent on Monday night. He's off to Chicago for a bit, then Germany with missonary Bill Rapier, then home to Mamelodi. It was sad to see him go, but we know we'll see him again, hopefully soon in Mamelodi.

Benefit Event for The Powerhouse Church

by Nathan Clendenin on September 19th, 2006

Will Brown had the crazy idea to take his bbq events a bit further, and make it a benefit event with sales of food and photography going towards Vincent’s church in Mamelodi. After many months of planning, it is coming together, and will happen on September 30, 2006 in Atlanta, GA. Food, Photography and Blues will abound, besides fun and fellowship. I am presenting prints from HIV Stories titled, “Facing the Future.” The exhibit is made up of portraits of youth. These prints will be on sale, along with others I’ve taken, and 100% will go to the Powerhouse Church.

The best part: Vincent will be at the event!

Download the Flyer

Granny’s Grandson

by Nathan Clendenin on May 20th, 2006

In speaking with Vincent recently, I learned that Mabel’s grandson, one of the orphans who is old enough and able to work, has been missing for some time. They fear he may have been kidnapped. I don’t understand what motive a kidnapper would have, since they have no money to give for a ransom, but nevertheless I am praying, as I know this is troubling Granny very much.

It’s a Girl!

by Nathan Clendenin on May 7th, 2006

I spoke with pastor Vincent recently on the phone, and he shared the good news with me that Selina and Vuci had a baby girl! The baby is healthy so far. Selina was taking Neveropin to reduce the chances of transmitting HIV to the baby, which usually occurs during the birth. I didn’t get any details on the girl’s name or any other specifics, but I know that Selina and Vuci are very excited. This is the the second child they’ve conceived, the first died at only a few months old.